Because the urology department OLV attaches great importance to integrated cancer care, we also offer medical oncology within the urological activities. This includes the treatment of patients with advanced, metastatic or non-metastatic cancer. To this end, use is made of hormonal therapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy and possibly study medication.
In the context of these different treatments, the medical oncologist pays a lot of attention to the relief of side effects of the above-mentioned products (with possible adjustment of the dose or sometimes delay of treatment). bone metastases are done with appropriate pain relief. Sometimes pain-relieving radiation is required, in which consultation with colleagues from radiotherapy. For pain relief, there is close cooperation with the pain clinic and the effectiveness of the different therapies is regularly checked by how the patient feels and by means of re-evaluations through studies.
The continuation or adjustment of the treatment strategy is viewed in function of the results. A non-negligible aspect of oncological care is to support and care for patients psychologically, from diagnosis of cancer to the various treatments over time. This requires a relationship of trust between the medical oncologist and patient.The treatment of an oncology patient involves very close cooperation with all organ specialties, surgeons, medical technical services (laboratory and imaging), pathologists and radiotherapists within a hospital. This takes place during the multidisciplinary consultation.
Finally, medical oncology also focuses on the expertise and competence in the development and scientific evaluation of clinical trials in oncology. To this end, the medical oncologist is effectively involved during his activity in the preparation of study protocols, the elaboration thereof, as well as in the analysis and evaluation of these clinical trials. He will keep abreast of the various ongoing studies to enable patients to participate and thus contribute to the development of oncology science.